
I love learning new stuff and exploring new fields. I feel when one is surrounded by people who are all studying or working on the same kind of stuff, there is a stagnation or saturation of ideas. A lot of areas that might seem unrelated on the surface might actually have a lot in common and usually are built upon the same engineering principles. This connection helps in combining knowledge from different fields and coming up with new and innovative ideas.

Every quarter I take a course that has very little overlap with my major field of study.

Spring 2019

  • MATH 277A : Large-Scale Unconstrained Optimization [Course Website]
  • ECE 208 : Computational Evolutionary Biology [Course Website]
  • ECE 299 : Graduate Research under Prof. Dinesh Bharadia

Winter 2019

  • ECE 276A : Sensing and Estimation for Robotics [Course Website]
  • ECE 143 : Programming for Data Analaysis
  • ECE 268 : Security for Hardware Embedded Systems

Fall 2018

  • ECE 269 : Linear Algebra [Course Website]
  • ECE 285 : Machine Learning for Image Processing [Course Website]
  • ECE 203 : Biomedical Integrated Circuits

I developed interest in Machine Learning and Computer Vision during my undergraduate degree. I also dabbled in Neuroscience for a bit trying to understand how the brain works and how the neural activity and interactions lead to intelligence.

Selected Courses from Undergraduate Coursework

  • ELL409: Machine Intelligence and Learning [Course Website]
  • ELL881: Deep Learning (Graduate course)
  • COL780: Computer Vision (Graduate course) [Course Website]
  • ELL880: Neuroengineering (Graduate course)
  • ELL890: Computational Neuroscience (Graduate course)