Deep Siamese CNN for Learning Visual Similarity

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Siamese CNN

Developed a multi-task Siamese CNN for transforming images of apparels to a latent space where images of visually similar items and same item in different poses were close together.

Dataset: Images of apparels from e-commerce fashion website Abof with 25 different labels, alongwith different poses of each apparel item

  • Used GoogleNet (pre-trained on ImageNet dataset) and used transfer-learning for fine-tuning model for classification task on apparel dataset.
  • Multi-task learning : Used the above network in a Siamese architecture, and trained it on pairs of images using Contrastive-Divergence (CD) loss function

Here, is the penalty for similar images that are far away and is the penalty for dissimilar images that are nearby,

  • A positive pair is defined if the second image is the same item in a different pose, this allows us to learn a pose-invariant embedding space
  • Created a visual search algorithm that used nearest neighbor matching on the pose-invariant embedding space for finding stylistically similar products

